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Nicslab to Showcase 1000+ Channels of Voltage and Current Control at Optical Fiber Conference (OFC)

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

  • Demonstrate SMU system that has 980-channel of voltage control (CV mode) and 140-channel of current control (CC Mode) in a single box

  • The innovation will be extremely useful to scientists and engineers working with photonics to measure and analyze large scale photonic system

  • Large-scale current and voltage channels are easily controlled by users

Nicslab Ops, Inc. will be demonstrating a ground-breaking source measurement unit (SMU) system with 1000+ channels at OFC 2023 at San Diego Convention Center on March 6, 2023, Room 6A. The showcase will demonstrate how to control more than 1000 channels at once.

An integrated SMU platform is crucial for scientists and photonics engineers to carry out successful experiments on a regular basis. Nicslab has been developing a patented technology of integrated SMU that is user-friendly, power-efficient, and scalable.

For this demonstration, Nicslab offers the SMU, which combines 980-channel of voltage control (CV mode) and 140 channel of current control (CC Mode) in a single box. The box measures around 73 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm and weighs over 25 kg. The system can be operated either through a Graphical User Interface (GUI) or SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments). SCPI allows users to control the system using their choice programming languages such as Python, C#, LabView, MATLAB, and others.

This technology is primarily intended for photonic applications, such as programmable optical quantum computers, integrated quantum photonics, programmable photonics, light detection and ranging (LiDAR), field-programmable photonic arrays (FPPA), photonic artificial intelligence (AI) engines, and photonic integrated circuits (PICs). The SMU can also be used for testing and characterizing battery, radio frequency (RF), material, solar cells, and fuel cells.

Andri Mahendra, Founder and CEO of Nicslab, said: “I've learned from my experience as a photonic engineer how crucial it is to have an integrated SMU with a large scale and automated features. As a result, work will become more productive. By building this 1000+ channel network, new photonics capabilities will be unlocked, allowing for key applications in quantum, artificial intelligence, programmable photonics, and other fields.”

About Nicslab

Nicslab is a fabless chip company that develops chip-scale integrated electronic and photonic solutions which process and transfer data faster and more efficiently in data centers, AI, instrumentation, and quantum computing. Nicslab also creates more effective tools for engineers and scientists.


Andri Mahendra Ph.D

M: +62 813 2171 5791

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